Aeronautical Engineering Undergraduate Course Plan

Aeronautical Engineering Undergraduate Program Between 2009-2010 / Fall and 2017-2018 / Fall Semesters

1. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
KIM 101
Genel Kimya I Türkçe Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TB
KIM 101L
Genel Kimya I Laboratuvarı Türkçe Z 1 1.5 0 0 2 TB
BIL 101E
Int to Comp and Inf Systems English Z 1.5 2.5 1 0 1 TM
MAT 103
Matematik I Türkçe Z 4 6 3 2 0 TB
FIZ 101E
Physics I English Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TB
Physics I Laboratory English Z 1 1.5 0 0 2 TB
UCK 111
Uçak Müh. Giriş ve Etik Türkçe Z 2 4 2 0 0 MT
Courses English Course I S 3 3.5 EC

2. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
UZB 112
Bilgisayarla Teknik Resim Türkçe Z 2 5 1 2 0 TM
STA 201
Statik Türkçe Z 3 4 3 0 0 TM
MAT 104
Matematik II Türkçe Z 4 6.5 3 2 0 TB
FIZ 102E
Physics II English Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TB
Physics II Laboratory English Z 1 1.5 0 0 2 TB
Courses English Course II S 3 3.5 / 4 EC
MAT 261
Lineer Cebir Türkçe Z 3 5 3 0 0 TB
BIL 106E
Intr toSci& Eng Comp (Fortran) English Z 3 4.5 2 2 0 TM

3. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
MAT 201
Diferansiyel Denklemler Türkçe Z 4 5.5 4 0 0 TB
DNK 201
Dinamik Türkçe Z 3 5 3 0 0 TM
MAL 201
Malzeme Bilimi Türkçe Z 3 5 3 0 0 TM
TUR 101
Türk Dili I Türkçe Z 2 2 2 0 0 ITB
MUK 203
Mukavemet I Türkçe Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TM
ELK 221
Elektrik Mühen. Temelleri Türkçe Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TM

4. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
AKM 205
Akışkanlar Mekaniği Türkçe Z 4 5 3 2 0 TM
MUK 204
Mukavemet II Türkçe Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TM
UCK 212
Termodinamik Türkçe Z 4 6 4 0 0 TM
TUR 102
Türk Dili II Türkçe Z 2 2 2 0 0 ITB
ING 201
English III English Z 3 3.5 3 0 0 EC
MAT 202E
Numerical Methods English Z 3 5 3 0 0 TB
Courses 4.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(TB) S 3 4.5 / 5 / 6 TB

5. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
UCK 351
Aerodinamik Türkçe Z 3.5 4.5 3 1 0 MT
UCK 361E
Design of Machine Elements English Z 3 5.5 3 0 0 MT
UZB 341
Ölçme Tekniği Türkçe Z 2 3 1 0 2 MT
UZB 331
Hava Uzay Yapıları Türkçe Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 MT
Courses 5.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(TB) S 3 4.5 / 5 / 6 TB
UCK 353E
Aerospace Materials English Z 3 4 3 0 0 MT
UZB 232
UZB 232
Isı Geçişi Türkçe / Türkçe Z 3 4.5 3 0 0 TM

6. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
UZB 362E
Compressible Aerodynamics English Z 4 5.5 4 0 0 MT
UCK 372
Deneysel Mühendislik Türkçe Z 2 4 1 0 2 MT
Courses 6.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(TM) S 3 2 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 7 TM
UCK 362E
Automatic Control English Z 3 5 3 0 0 TM
Courses 6.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(ITB) S 3 4 ITB
UCK 322E
Flight Mechanics English Z 3 6 3 0 0 MT

7. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
ATA 101
Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I Türkçe Z 2 2 2 0 0 ITB
UCK 421
Tepki ile Tahrik Türkçe Z 3 7 3 0 0 MT
Courses 7.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(ITB) S 3 4 ITB
Courses 7.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(MT) S 3 / 4 4 / 5 / 7.5 MT
UCK 441E
Flight Stability and Control English Z 3 7 3 0 0 MT
UCK 451E
Principles of Aircraft Design English Z 3 6 3 0 0 MT

8. Semester

Course Code Course Title Language Compulsory/Elective Credit ECTS Teo. Tutorial Lab. Type
ATA 102
Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh II Türkçe Z 2 2 2 0 0 ITB
UCK 492
Bitirme Çalışması Türkçe Z 3 8 0 6 0 MT
UCK 432
Uçak Tasarımı Türkçe Z 3 8 2 0 2 MT
Courses 8.yy Seçime Bağlı Ders(ITB) S 3 4 ITB
Courses 8.yy Seçmeli Ders II(MT) S 3 / 4 4 / 5 / 7.5 MT
Courses 8.yy Seçmeli Ders II(ITB) S 3 4 ITB

Total Credit : 153.00  Total ECTS : 232.00