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Electronics and Communications Engineering (English) DDP (Sarajevo-IUS) Course Plan
Electronics and Communications Engineering DDP (Sarajevo-IUS) Program After 2021-2022 / Fall Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
EHB 227E
Introduction to Optics | English | Z | 3 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 0 | MT |
EHB 307E
Communication I | English | Z | 3 | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | MT |
KON 313E
Feedback Control Systems | English | Z | 3 | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | MT |
EHB 334E
Random Signals and Noise | English | Z | 3 | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | MT |
Courses | 5th Sem. Comp. Elect. I (MT) | S | 3 | 5 / 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 5th Sem. Comp. Elect. II (MT) | Z | 3 | 5 / 6 | MT |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
EHB 311E
Intr.to Electronics Laboratory | English | Z | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 2 | MT |
Courses | 6th Sem.Comp. Elect.I(MT) | S | 3 | 5 / 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 6th Sem. Comp. Elect.II (MT) | S | 3 | 5 / 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 6thSm.Comp.Elct.III(MT)-Design | S | 3 | 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 6thSm.Comp.Elct.IV(MT)-Design | S | 3 | 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 6th Sem.Elect.Course (SNT) | S | 3 | 4 | ITB |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
EHB 4901E
Elect.&Comm. Eng. Design I | English | Z | 4 | 8.5 | 1 | 6 | 0 | MT |
ATA 121
Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I | Türkçe | Z | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | ITB |
TUR 121
Türk Dili I | Türkçe | Z | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | ITB |
Courses | 7th Sem.Elect.Course I (MT) | S | 3 | 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 7th Sem.Elect.Course II (MT) | S | 3 | 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 7thSm.Elct.Crs.III(MT)-Faculty | S | 3 | 6 | MT |
Course Code | Course Title | Language | Compulsory/Elective | Credit | ECTS | Teo. | Tutorial | Lab. | Type |
EHB 4902E
Elect.&Comm. Eng. Design II | English | Z | 4 | 12 | 1 | 6 | 0 | MT |
ATA 122
Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh II | Türkçe | Z | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | ITB |
TUR 122
Türk Dili II | Türkçe | Z | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | ITB |
Courses | 8th Sem.Elect.Course I (MT) | S | 3 | 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 8thSem.Elect.CrsII (MT)Faculty | S | 3 | 6 | MT | ||||
Courses | 8th Sem.Elect.Course (ITB) | S | 3 | 0 / 4 | ITB |
Total Credit : 82.00 Total ECTS : 0.00