Zorunlu Seçmeli Ders II

Ders Dil Kredi AKTS Teo. Uyg. Lab.
BLG 503
Paralel Programlama
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 503E
Parallel Programming
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 507E
Distributed Systems
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 514E
Computer Networ. Basic Protoc.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 517E
Modeling&Perfor.Anal.of Net.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 521E
Artificial Intelligence
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 527E
Machine Learning
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 545E
Discrete Optimization
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 549E
Graph Theory and Algoritms
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 557E
Theory of Computation
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 560E
Stat.&Estimat.in Comp.Science
English 3 7,5 3 0 0