Zorunlu Seçmeli Ders I

Ders Dil Kredi AKTS Teo. Uyg. Lab.
BBL 501E
Probability&Stochastic Proces.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BBL 536E
Data Science
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BGK 501E
Network Security
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BGK 503E
Information&Computer Security
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BGK 505E
Discrete Mathematics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 506E
Computer Vision
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 510E
Security in Computer Networks
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 513E
Image Processing
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 520E
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 521E
Artificial Intelligence
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 527E
Machine Learning
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLG 549E
Graph Theory and Algoritms
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLU 502E
Optimization Methods in Infor.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
BLU 526E
Mathem.Meth.for Signal Proc.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
EBT 502E
Advanced Fluid Dynamics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
EBT 503E
Advanced Thermodynamics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
EBT 505E
Advanced Heat&Mass Transfer
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
EBT 513
Enerji Sistemler.Hesap.Yönt.
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
EBT 535
Endüstride Enerji Yönetimi
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
EBT 547
Ener.Sistem.Ölçme Teknikleri
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
END 506E
Advanced Engineering Economics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
ISL 501E
Advanced App.to Management
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
KOM 513E
Modelling& Kontrol Of Robots
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
MAM 505
Hasar Analizi
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
MAM 511
Metallerde Deformas.&Kırılma
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
MBM 504
Malzemelerin Mekanik Özel.
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
MHY 509E
Management of Tech.&Innovation
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
MIA 503E
Advanced Fluid Dynamics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
MIA 504E
Advanced Heat&Mass Transfer
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
MKM 506E
Modelling&Control of Mech.Sys.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
MKM 509
Analog&Sayısal Elektronik
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
MMI 566
İleri İmalat Yöntemleri
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
MMI 568E
Comp.Integrated Manufacturing
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
TEL 502E
Detection and Estimation Theo.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
TEL 505E
Mobile Commun.Systems
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
TEL 508
Sayısal İletişim Kuramı
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
TEL 515E
Statist.Signal Processing
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
TEL 519E
Image Processing
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UAH 511
Olasılık Teorisi&Stokastik Pro
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 504E
Structural Dynamics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 507E
Linear Control Systems
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 508E
Finite Element Analy.in Struc.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 510E
Computational Fluid Dynamics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 521E
Advanced Dynamics
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 526E
Optimization Techniques in En.
English 3 7,5 3 0 0
UUM 536
Kısmi Diferansiyel Denklemler
Türkçe 3 7,5 3 0 0